Heeyyy Friend! For years I have had a great honour and privilege of walking the journey with all kinds of women. Younger, older and from different backgrounds. Whether it's through friendships mentorship or the women in my family.
That God will open up our eyes so that we may see who we really are. Our glorious inheritance and every God-given gift. In this letter to the Ephesians, what follows the prayer is breath-taking and awe-inspiring to say the least. You see, Paul understood that in order for the Ephesians to grasp all that God had for them and in order for them to walk in it, their eyes needed to be open - they needed to have a divine revelation of who God was and who God said they were. Everything else would follow after that.
It is in the same way that we need a revelation of whom Jesus is first, and then who He says we are in order to realize our calling and walk in it. One of the most inspiring women in the bible who is such a great example of walking in revelation and standing firm is Mary, the mother of Jesus. You see, before Mary or anyone else knew that she was pregnant with the Messiah, she received a Word. She received a revelation of God, a revelation of what’s to come, a revelation of who she is (highly favoured) and a revelation of her mandate, her calling, and what she is about to birth into the world, which will forever change the trajectory of mankind. At that time, she didn’t know what it would look like, it didn’t make sense, but she trusted, because she had a Word, a revelation. That was enough for her to overcome every obstacle, for her to have faith, for her to keep moving forward into everything that God had DESTINED for her. Even without the support of her community and surroundings, Mary was unapologetic, unwavering in her faith and she stood firm. (we read about this in Luke 1 – watch Mary’s reaction and character throughout her journey. Wow, it’s incredible!!)
It is when we have the revelation and the unwavering conviction of who we are and whose we are that we begin to walk with purpose. We can overcome anything through Christ. We can heal from brokenness, we can lead, and we can continue the work of Jesus Christ. The World needs your gifts, your talents, and everything God has given you to bring hope and glory to the Father here on earth. Your spheres of life need you to rise up and stand with full authority, confidence and conviction so that you can possess all that God has placed before you. And so, my heart is to see revelation awaken within women across all of Africa. Women who have been oppressed and limited, women who are in need of that revelation in order to be and become all that God has destined for them - in every sphere of life. To go and possess territory, to be healed from brokenness, to have undeniable intimacy with the One who is our Creator. The One who holds us all and has given us permission to live beyond limitations, beyond restriction, and to overcome every single obstacle in His Name. It is my prayer that the eyes of every woman in Africa be opened and enlightened. That you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. Take the world by storm, girl! I believe in you! God believes in you! YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE!
Love Sabrina xx